Song of hope

Lyrics: Masahiko Tsuchida / Composition: Takamasa Kino
Song: Akane Hoshina

The song of hope I sing is love for you
who travel far away.
The flowers that bloom in the field secretly
knock on the door of the heart.
Like everyone,
it’s shaking in the past and in the future.
The wind whispers not to look back.
The wind of hope is blowing on this road you walk.

The song of hope I sing is love for you on a journey.
Birds are drawing the scenery of tomorrow
in the dusk sky.
As with everyone, heals the damage of the heart.
The chirping of birds is a matter of heart.
Today’s sorrow melts on this road you walk.

The song of hope I sing is love for you as you
continue your journey.
A loved one is waiting for you
in your favorite hometown.
Like everyone,
they live to love.
You on a journey.
The sky at sunrise.
The song of hope I sing is

the song of love that echoes at dawn.